Thursday 25 December 2014

Hawke's Bay Easy Fruit Cake

Guaranteed to impress

My mom found this recipe in a Hawke's Bay newspaper and of course, we had to make one for Christmas!
It's super quick to prepare and it tastes really good. 


Pre-heat oven to 125 degC.

1Kg dried Fruit Cake mix
2x cups Self-Raising Flour
2x cups Peach Ice Tea

Put some cherries and nuts ontop before baking.


Mix the fruit mix and Ice Tea well and soak overnight (12hrs).
Add the 2x cups of Self-Raising Flour in the soaked fruit and stir well.

Pour mixture into a well greased "spring form" cake tin (20cm or 23cm) OR use a square non-stick tin - grease well.

Bake for 2.5hrs or until cooked (your cake tester comes out clean).

Serve it hot or cold, with cream or custard. I just put butter on and eat it with tea!

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