Tuesday 6 January 2015

Pork Belly Andre

As promised...

...Andre's "secret' marinade recipe for Pork Belly!

On it's way to the Cobb.
The coals and juice go below, then your meat,
then the lid.

I cannot give you quantities :-), because he didn't measure out anything... he tasted! Well, there you have it folks - let your taste buds do the work.

We slow cooked our PB on our cobb (www.cobbglobal.com). It's really a handy little cooker! Of course, us South Africans, love to braai and see flames and stink from smoke and braai-vleis, but some days we can be sophisticated too...

What you will need:

  • Your tongue - for tasting
  • Olive Oil
  • Soy Sauce
  • BBQ Sauce
  • Tobasco Sauce
  • Ginger
  • Salt and Pepper
  • 1Kg Pork Belly (our PB still had the ribs on)
  • Apple juice if using a Cobb
Make about 500ml of the marinade... mix all the ingredients together in your preferred quantities (by tasting). 
Place your PB in a large enough Zip Lock bag, then add the marinade. It's best to let the PB marinade over-night in the fridge.

A Cobb is not a "must have". (BUT, if you do have one, below, where the coals go, pour some apple juice in the area around the coals... you will know where). You can use some other means of slow cooking it as well - Weber, kitchen oven, etc. Ours took about 2hrs to cook!
You can use your thermometer to check the meat temp. to see if it's done! Andre just cut the meat and had a look... he probably tasted it too - hehe!

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