Thursday 12 September 2013

Shirlene's Cheesecake

 With no cheese...

Since Shirlene, a very close friend of mine, gave me this recipe, it has always made a 'wow' impression on people. I've added pineapple pieces to the recipe, blueberries, strawberries, etc. 

Usually I would make this desert in a pie dish, but not this time! I got out my muffin pan and decided to make each person their own portion.
The German student staying with us for 3 months, Nadine, wasn't so sure that I'll be able to lift each portion out of the form without it breaking apart... I wasn't so sure either ;-).

But I was up for the challenge!!! And it came out really good and tasting even better!



1x packet Tennis biscuits
100g butter OR white baking margarine


1x tin Condensed Milk
250ml fresh Cream (refrigerated... it must be cold)
1/3 cup freshly squeezed Lemon juice



NB. Spray your dish / pan / glass form with a non-stick spray.

Crush the Tennis biscuits, so that it looks like bread crumbs (no pieces). Microwave the butter / margarine for 10sec or so, just to get it soft enough to mix easily into the crushed biscuit. When it's all mixed in really well, press it firmly into your pie dish / muffin pan / desert glass... Then place the crust into the refrigerator while making the filling.


Add the condensed milk and fresh cream into a mixing bowl and mix together with an electric mixer on medium speed. Now slowly add your lemon juice. The mixture will slowly stiffen up a bit. Remember to taste the mixture... it must not taste too sour. Usually a 1/3 cup is just enough.
Keep mixing for another 30 seconds.
The consistency of the mixture, should look like really soft ice cream or a milkshake.

Note: You can now also add blueberries or strawberries, etc to the mix, BUT remember to drain the fruit really well OR pat dry with a kitchen paper towel.

Spoon your mixture over the ready made crusts and place them back into the fridge for 30 minutes or more. The mixture will set in the fridge.

If you can make this desert a day before - I would recommend it. The crust absorbs some of the filling juices without it becoming soggy. 

Oh yum!

Pressing in the filling.
Photo by Elaine Louw
Adding the filling.
Photo by Elaine Louw

Some fresh strawberries on-top.
Photo by Elaine Louw

Eating time.
Photo by Elaine Louw

Monday 9 September 2013

Cowboy Chow

Makes me think of cowboy movies!

It's been more than 10 years since I first tasted this dish. I remember it so well, because a co-worker of mine, Eben, made it one lunch time... to impress the boss. Of course, it was a big hit and the boss insisted on eating Cowboy Chow at least once a month.

And yes... I got the recipe from Eben, but at a price! I had to prepare the next week's lunch.
It was worth the effort. 

I make this chow quite often - especially in winter! Quick and easy to make!


1x tin baked beans
1x tin butter beans
1x tin kidney beans
1x tin french style cut, green beans
1x tin tomato and onion stew

1x pack 200 - 250g bacon, cut into bits
1x onion
Some garlic.
Chillies to taste OR Cayenne pepper (not compulsory)
Salt and pepper to taste.


Finely chop the onion and garlic and saute in a little bit of oil in a medium size pot. Add the bacon and fry until nearly cooked. Throw off the water from the butter beans, green beans and kidney beans. Add all the tinned ingredients to the pot and stir it all together. Cook on medium heat for about 10 minutes. Add some water if you need to. Now, add your chillies / cayenne pepper / salt and pepper and cook for a further 5 minutes.

Serve hot or cold. On it own or as a side dish.

Note: I usually add 1-2 chillies OR 1/2 teaspoon of cayenne pepper. Just for a little bit of a bite!!

And, of course, it tastes really good without the chillies / cayenne pepper too. Enjoy!!

Photo by Elaine Louw

Sunday 1 September 2013

The Sandwich...

The Plain Sandwich - Gourmet Style

I love it when we braai (bbq). There is always some steak left-over which are fantastic for some plain old "sarmie's". Although Andre knows that sometimes I can't help myself and turn our sandwiches into something... else.

Well, I didn't have any fancy bread left in the bread bin (I've got kids you see), so the plain Low GI white bread had to do. Toast the bread, caramelise some onion and cut the steak into 2-3mm thick slices. Spread the toast with "Colman's, Country Cape Mustard", before placing everything else on top... I even added cheese!

Steak SandwichPhoto by Elaine Louw